How to Use Our Audio Stories to Support Your Home Day
“I’d love to introduce my kids to Sparkle Stories, but our days are so busy … I’m just not sure where I can fit it in.”
Have you ever wondered how to include Sparkle Stories in your day? It’s a good question, one that takes a little strategy and thought — but in our view, the effort is absolutely worthwhile. And once you build story-listening habits, your kids will be clamoring for more!
But how to get started? Although one can listen to Sparkle Stories purely for joy, we would be remiss if we didn’t point out ways that they help smooth out the rough patches in your routine. When my own kids were young, we’d often end up with two or three opportunities to listen to Sparkle Stories every day — and the different story collections kept it all fresh!
Here’s a list of opportunities for story-listening, from morning to night, that you may not have thought of yet. Each opportunity has a suggested story collection geared for younger kids, but you know best what your kids like. Adjust as needed for personalities and age — your older kids will love our longer series!
Wake-up (for snoozers). Are your kids sleepyheads in the morning? Rouse them up gently with a kind word and a 15-minute story to help them acclimate to the waking world. Suggested collection: The Willowbee Tree.
Wake-up (for early birds). Do your kids wake you up before you’re fully alert? Buy a little time to wash your face and drink a cup of coffee by playing a story for them. Suggested collection: The Willowbee Tree.
Breakfast. Meals are a favorite storytime opportunity and help little bodies sit down and fuel up on nutritious food. Bonus: if you wait to start the story until all breakfasters have arrived, you’ll gather in the stragglers quickly! Suggested collection: Martin & Sylvia.
Commute. Whether you travel by car, bus, or bike, little ears will appreciate listening to a story, no matter if you’re idling in traffic or watching the world rush by. Suggested collection: Junkyard Tales
Lunchtime. Are your kids at home with you during lunch? A Sparkle Story is perfect lunchtime fare — an opportunity to switch gears after a morning of learning or play. Suggested collection: By Thistle By Thimble.
Naptime. Everyone needs a spot of rest in the afternoon — but little bodies can have difficulty settling down. Turn on a Sparkle story to slow down the pace and invite your child to close their eyes just for a minute. Suggested collection: Sparkle Sleeptyime.
Before dinner (aka “The Witching Hour”). Is everyone clamoring for food and just on the edge of hangry? Take the tension down a notch with a fun Sparkle Story. Suggested collection: Libby & Dish.
Evening wind-down. Sometimes a story is just what you need to signal to your kids that the bath-book-bed routine is imminent. Suggested collection: So Many Fairies.
Lights Out. If your munchkins have trouble with the close of the day, join scores of Sparklers who let our stories send their kids into dreamland. Suggested collection: Sparkle Sleeptyime.
Have you had success with stories at these times? Or do you have other ideas of times for story-listening? Share with us — we love hearing your own tales of Sparkle Stories experiences! You can also take a look at how other Sparklers enjoy listening to our stories over on our Instagram page under our "Listeners" highlight reel.
Happy listening!
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About the Author

Ann Boyd
Ann is a writer, editor, homeschooling mother, voracious reader, full-fat baker, and musician. She lives in Chicago with her husband and two daughters and chronicles the journey at Boyds’ Nest News.