Friday's Kind Words: Tiny Fairy Doctors
I just wanted to thank you for these stories. I wanted to share a little story with you about how you helped me become a more creative storyteller.
We had just listened to Martin and Sylvia's "Go To Sleep Fairy" a few nights ago and I thought it was so cute and my 4 kids all told me excitedly what their go to sleep fairies looked like and what their names were, etc.
Last night I had 2 very sick little boys. When I came to my younger son (7) he was really upset because he couldn't breathe through his nose and he had a terrible headache. I just couldn't get him to calm down to go back to sleep. Then I said to him, "Hey, do you remember a few days ago when we listened to the story about the Go To Sleep Fairy? Well I know there is a fairy for everything, but do you think there is a sick fairy too?"
All of the sudden my son calmed down to tell me what he thought a sick fairy might do, that they dressed like tiny doctors but they wore purple coats instead of white. I told him that perhaps they help you fall asleep and sprinkle you with special pixie dust that helps you get better faster.
Soon he was back to sleep. A few months ago I never would have had the confidence to do something like that. So I wanted to thank you for helping me by giving me some tools to create little stories throughout the day with my children. It really fills our days (and nights) with magic that I hope will stay with them forever. ~Jenn