Friday's Kind Words: Absolutely Engaged and Content
As for many parents of multiple children, when my (now 16 month old) daughter was born, her almost three year old brother added a new level of challenge to our day. While he was very loving to his sister, when nap times rolled around three times a day, he would seemingly do anything in his power to prevent her from falling asleep peacefully when I nursed her- coming in the room, banging on the door, screaming, etc. I had tried some different things- toys only available during nursing, or engaging him in a craft or activity, but nothing seemed to work and I would be so frustrated and our relationship suffered immensely. When I was feeling like the only option was to plug him into TV (which we at the time almost never did and definitely did not want to do), a friend serendipitously sent an email with a link to a 10 day trial for Sparkle Stories.
From the very first time he heard a Sparkle Story, my son will sit absolutely engaged and content for the amount of time it takes for my daughter to settle. Shortly thereafter, he also dropped his nap, which was hard as he is super active and I was never able to successfully implement a frustration free "rest time" in the middle of the day while his sister now naps.
Sparkle Stories have provided him a restful activity that also enables me to get some things done, prepare a meal, or just not engage for a few moments, etc. They have also provided some much needed quiet time on short and long drives, and are still a special and fulfilling part of my son's day. He loves them, and I have since recommend your site to many friends, as they have been a sanity and relationship saver for me. I am grateful every day for what Sparkle Stories continue to provide for our family. Thank you!!
Sincerely, Kristi