Friday's Kind Words: Parenting Revelation
My last month's parenting revelation was that our laundry never gets folded and put away. Well, actually, that was last year's observation. It gets washed and dried and sits in a basket until I have "the time" to fold it and put it away.
Then... a few weeks ago, I suggested that we all fold laundry (the kids and I) while we listen to a Sparkle story. It has been such a grand success that this Monday, when I had forgotten to put it on the schedule, my daughter said, "Tonight is the night we fold laundry." And, we did, while listening to the beautiful story of "The Gentle Woodsman and the Final Fall Phoebe".
We all started the week with our drawers full of freshly laundered, folded clothes. Thank you so much for your critical part in this process!
Have a nice weekend! Jennifer