Friday's Kind Words: You Have Brought These Stories to Life
I just wanted to thank you for the gift that you have given my family.
We started listening to "At Home w/Martin and Sylvia" at rest time when my oldest daughter was 3. Now, Martin and Sylvia and The Willowbee children are part of our nightly bedtime routine.
On nights when I have to put the three kids down solo, the girls (3 and 4) listen to a story while I nurse the baby to sleep. Then, after I put him down, we listen to one story together. After that, stories keep playing while I putz in the kitchen where they can hear me, and I check on them every 5-10 minutes. After a story or two, they are both asleep.
Vocabulary and concepts from the stories frequently appear in their play...just the other day my 3 yr old used the word specimen, thanks to M & S!
We are a homeschooling family with many of the same nature & play based values as M & S's family, and I appreciate so much that you have brought these stories to life.
-Kathy, Fairfax, Virginia, USA