Friday's Kind Words: Kind-hearted Characters
We have listened to and loved your stories for ages and ages. After purchasing a set of the Saturday Sparkle series, our kids recently listened to the one that suggested a game where they create a scavenger hunt by drawing pictures of different places throughout the house and placing clues in each place, with each clue showing a picture of the place where the next clue is hiding, and the final hiding place having a small treasure.
I just wanted to tell you that every weekend morning for the past few weeks, they have spent hours creating these special scavenger hunts for each other and for me and my husband. They create "treasures" from pipe cleaners, tape, and construction paper and have the best time hiding clues all over the house. Your beautiful stories have inspired all sorts of conversations in our family about gratitude, kindness, sibling strife, and life in general. Thank you for the thoughtful, kind-hearted characters you have created and share with the world!
In gratitude,
~ Melissa (+ Sparkle kids )