Friday's Kind Words: Can we Sparkle?
My daughter, age 7, has become a Sparkle story addict. When I first had her listen she tried to act like she was too old, or too cool for the stories (she's a precocious only child), but then one night she had a nightmare and the next night, right before we were about to read our standard Harry Potter, she asked if "maybe we could listen to one of those Sparkle stories?" instead. Suspecting she was nervous about her nightmare involving shadows and things in the dark from the night before, I selected Martin & Sylvia - The Dark and now she's hooked.
She said that the way Martin was feeling and seeing things was exactly what she was worried about, and I think she felt better realizing that most kids feel that way at one time or another. My favorite part is that she uses Sparkle as a verb, as in - "Can we Sparkle tonight?".
~ Cortney