Friday's Kind Words: Lego Homage
Whenever a Sparkle family takes the time to share their experience with the stories, we are delighted and moved. Each week we like to share some of the kind words and images we receive!
Hello Sparkle Stories gang! My daughter Honora (6) has been loving Martin and Sylvia stories for years now. We really enjoyed the videos during your Kickstarter, and the camp stories (and great shirt) have been such a wonderful part of our own summer. This weekend, she decided to build Martin and Sylvia's house with legos. She had a lot of fun remembering all the details about their home that are mentioned in different stories to try to include in her design. There are future plans for a backyard with the playhouse and the horse fence that borders the Brown's farm. After dinner tonight, she asked me if we could share her Lego design with you! We hope you enjoy it! (Please let me know if you have trouble playing it!) The builder would like me to add: "Inspired by Martin and Sylvia, made from all legos" Erika Ripley (mom) and Honora Clark (lego homage creator)