Friday's Kind Words: A Treasured Part of Childhood
My son has been listening to Sparkle Stories since he was five (he is now nine) and they have become a treasured part of his childhood. One of the things we have found most interesting is how as he grows and his tastes and interests change, there is always a new story group that he becomes fascinated with. First it was Martin and Sylvia, for the longest time. Then suddenly Junkyard Tales were his jam. Lately, the Violet Crown series has been what he's interested in, especially since we live in Texas and they take place in Austin, where he has visited. The Sleepytime Stories have seen us through stomach bugs and European travel with wonky time zones. Last but not least, unlike a lot of children's media, the stories are always entertaining and enjoyable to our adult ears and hearts. I can't recommend them highly enough!
~ Molly Baver Goodall