Friday's Kind Words: An Abiding Love for Your Work
We want you to know that we strongly feel that your "Violet Crown" series is worthy of a book and a movie -- and yes, we are Waldorf and don't do movies yet for our 9 year old. But there are many children who do! I hope you take what I'm about to say as a serious compliment... we feel your story is in the genre of Harry Potter in America, but better! You actually give the kids concrete, deeply spiritual life skills! I'd like to share an incident with my son to illustrate.
My son who is nine, recently intervened when eight of his friends in 3rd grade had a plan to stop a "mean" 5th grader by dumping their unicycles in front of him while the "mean" kid was on his unicycle, in order "to trip him and teach him a lesson." My son felt it was wrong in his heart but didn't know what to do. With a little discussion he decided to tell his teacher, even though he has strong feelings about this kid because this kid has teased him for his long hair, calling him all sorts of names. It is worth noting that the 5th grader has had a difficult start in school and is actually quite vulnerable.
To continue, he was also afraid he might experience repercussions from his friends.
Well, my son told his teacher but didn't name the kids and the teacher brought it up in class where the kids involved in the plan stepped forward, and then the teacher asked the kids to go to the 5th grade teacher to discuss it with her, which they did. While I was hearing this from my son, I said, "You know what you've done don't you?" And he said, "Yes, I practiced the 2nd step: Do something brave." Yes!
Yes Sparkle Stories! I can't help but think how this simple step could change so many lives.
With an abiding love for your work,