Friday's Kind Words: Finding Easy Access Roads
My daughter is 3 and has loved your Martin & Sylvia and Willobee Tree stories for about a year now. She will quietly listen to them back to back whenever we travel. She asks to listen whenever we are doing something she remembers from a story. Most frequently this means listening to Laundry in the Martin & Sylvia series whenever we fold laundry.
Today though we very excitedly made our own marble "Cake Pie" in honor of Sylvia's special winter dream. My daughter even picked out a lentil to put in the cake pie since we didn't have a large bean in our pantry!
I can't tell you the worth your stories have in our family's day to day life and even in our special moments as we celebrate our specialness as a family. You've helped us find easy access roads to concepts like compassion, acceptance, non-attachment and open mindedness. I feel like I take away tidbits from each story that evolve my parenting in addition to all that my daughter gets from listening. I can't imagine raising any future children without your stories!
Thank you Sparkle Stories!
~ Cynthia Walker