EXPLORE this Week: Your Own Home and Yard
Same old yard, same old house. Or is it?
Sometimes it simply takes a moment's pause – and an encouragement to find fresh eyes – to see that there's a world of things to explore right around you.
Let's launch our "EXPLORE" month by getting out into our yards and homes.
How do you explore your own home and yard?
Here are some ideas:
- Spend time in a spot that you don't normally spend time in – say a corner of your yard, or tuck yourself in a closet. (Both my boys still like to find quiet spots in the house to just sit.) And then observe – what is your home like from that perspective?
(The Martin & Sylvia story "The Sit Spot" is great inspiration for this kind of activity. Subscribers can find it here. Or find it in the Martin & Sylvia: Autumn collection.)
Imagine that you won't see your home for a long time. How would you walk through it to appreciate it?
Ask yourselves: What 3 things do you love about your home? What about the other members of your family? There's nothing like a little gratitude-fest to make your home glow in nice ways.
Another fun way to shift your experience of your home: change something. Move furniture around in a bedroom or living room. Add a birdfeeder and notice the birds that come fresh to your yard. Have a sleepover on the living room floor. Or camp in your backyard!
Playlist: Explore Your Backyard
This playlist will get your whole family inspired. These are stories of the amazing and delightful discoveries that happen when you pay attention and open yourself to surprises!
Explore with us! We'd love to hear from you what you're finding.
Best ways to share: Facebook, Instagram (@sparklestories), or email: kindwords@sparklestories.com.
Happy Adventures!
About the Author

Lisabeth Sewell
Lisabeth Sewell has worn many hats at Sparkle over the years, from Sparkle Kitchen Blogger to Editorial Director to Doer of All Odd Jobs. Her primary role is as CEO.