Sparkle Holiday
Eight Ways to Make Halloween Extra-Magical This Year

Eight Ways to Make Halloween Extra-Magical This Year

Halloween is an opportunity to experience something new in yourself. I really believe this. It’s not only a transitional time of year here in the Northern Hemisphere, with the nights lengthening and the days shortening, but it’s also been imbued with a cultural magic by humans over the centuries. Two thousand years ago we were making bonfires and wearing costumes to ward off ghosts. Today we don costumes and parade freely about our towns and neighborhoods, engaging with neighbors in a warm and playful way that doesn’t happen at any other time of year.

This history and the beautiful culture we’ve created around the holiday makes for a wonderful opening for us.

What is on offer to us? Extra playfulness. Extra connection. The experience of costume, which can bring out a fresh element in yourself. (You can be intentional about this!) And then, there’s an invitation to extra connection with the magic of the darkness, which can be deeply nurturing and beautiful.

Here are my thoughts about how you can bring extra magic to this Halloween:


Halloween Eve
  • Listen to or read magical stories. They don’t have to be about Halloween, and they certainly don’t need to be scary. Find stories about the magic of possibility. The fairy life on the edges of things. The incredible nourishing magic of the dark. (See Sparkly suggestions here.)

  • Get into your own sense of possibility for YOUR Halloween. Try on costumes with your kids. Remember what it was like to be young on Halloween. See if there’s not a little sparkle of playfulness arising.

  • Choose your OWN costume, even if it’s just a single element. What would you like to feel a little extra of? Courage? Unstoppability? Lusciousness? Sillyness? Superhero masks, silken wigs, and clown noses can give you just what you need.


All Hallows' Eve
  • Light candles and soften the mood in your own home. Build in enough time so there’s no rushing. Talk about what magic you might like to see out in the world. As costumes are coming on, talk about your costumed being. Enjoy feeling into who you are, costume-clad!

  • Evoke wonder. Whether you are trick-or-treating, or simply taking a Halloween evening stroll, once you step out into the evening, pause to look around. Take in the world around you. Have your kids do the same. Use your senses, smell, feel, look ... and then ask out loud: “What wonderful things might we encounter tonight?” That sets the stage for curiosity, aliveness, and wonder.

  • Take your time. Yes, trick-or-treating kids want to rush to the next house and the next, but let your energy be slow and curious. Openly notice the world and appreciate what you’re finding: remarkable decorations, a moonlit tree, a particularly funny or friendly neighbor. This night is like no other!


Martinmas Lanterns 2023
  • Wind down gently. When the Halloween adventuring is over, take your time getting out of Halloween garb. Once the trick-or-treat candy is put away, circle up and snuggle up in candle light. Perhaps there’s a special bath time.

  • Appreciate: Ask the children what they saw and experienced. Reflect on what you saw and experienced. Express gratitude for the whole thing.

May you have an extraordinary Halloween!

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About the Author

Lisabeth Sewell

Doer of Many Wonderful and Odd Things (including CEO)

Lisabeth Sewell has worn many hats at Sparkle over the years, from Sparkle Kitchen Blogger to Editorial Director to Doer of All Odd Jobs. Her primary role is as CEO.

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