Create Your Own Fairy World Round-Up
We live in the world of the big people, but with just a bit of effort, we can help create environments that suit the fairy folk in our midst. With just a few household craft supplies, you might design the perfect little spot for a fairy to feel cozy and at home, even with us Biggies around. So dig into this selection of homespun crafts to give your tiny friends a big welcome!
Outdoor Nature Art
Let's go out into the world and make our very own nature art. What suits your fancy — a cairn, a mobile, a fairy house, or a garland? With four different options, there’s no telling what you’ll make! Make your own here!
Nature Bracelets
A nature bracelet offers one of the simplest and most satisfying ways to combine creativity with nature study. Gather your supplies — just some sticky tape and cardstock — and head out into the natural world to explore! Start crafting here!
Hidden Earth Art
How do you make secret art — something hidden in plain sight? Hidden earth art happens when you add to the beauty of the natural world, creating something from your own imagination so subtly that someone else might not even notice it. Find the guide here!
Flower Crowns
Are you ready to wear a crown? Whether you're King or Queen of the Forest, a fairy princess, or just celebrating the joy of May Day, this tutorial will explain everything you need to fashion the perfect crown for your special day. Explore the tutorial here!
Making a Stick Friend
Who needs a stick friend? Yes, sticks love to come to life. All you and your child need to do is give a stick two eyes, a nose, and a mouth — and any accessories your friend requests. Follow along to learn how to make a stick friend here!
About the Author

Ann Boyd
Ann is a writer, editor, homeschooling mother, voracious reader, full-fat baker, and musician. She lives in Chicago with her husband and two daughters and chronicles the journey at Boyds’ Nest News.