Castlechanter Audio Advent Calendar Crafts and recipes: Week One
Welcome to the first week of the Castlechanter Fairy Advent Calendar! We are so delighted you chose to join us. Every day for the next four weeks, we will be sharing crafts and recipes from our Sparkle Archives that are similar to the ones in the advent calendar. If you make any of them, please share on Facebook and Instagram!
Let’s get started!
Day One:
These breakfast tarts aren’t quite the Icelandic oatmeal mentioned in the story, but they are similar and delicious. Swap the greek yogurt in our recipe with skyr for a more authentic taste!
Granola Berry Breakfast Tarts
Find the recipe HERE
Day Two:
Stitch has a pile of sticks — what is he building? Here are two fun stick projects for you to try too.
Making a Stick Friend
Find the tutorial HERE
Personalized Hiking Stick
Find the Tutorial HERE
Day Three:
In today’s story, our characters go sledding through leaves. While we don’t have a leaf sledding tutorial, we do have a fun craft to preserve beautiful leaves you might find!
Waxed Leaf Banner
Find the tutorial HERE
Day Four:
Toward the end of today’s story, the first snow falls. If your child doesn’t instinctively love cold and snowy weather, you can read our guide to helping your child get out and love the cold!
Raising Kids Who Love Winter
Find the tutorial HERE
Day Five:
While eating snowflakes can be fun for a little bit, they definitely won’t fill hungry bellies at snack time. These Sparkle Kitchen recipes, on the other hand, offer great ways to snack on “snowflakes.”
Cinnamon Honey Snowflakes
Find the recipe HERE
Ginger Snow Track Cookies
Find the recipe HERE
Maple Syrup Candy
Find the recipe HERE
Day Six:
Oscar remembers his success in baking muffins for parent day at school. You can try your hand at these muffins and see if you feel as proud as Oscar did!
Lemon Ginger Chia Muffins
Find the recipe HERE
Day Seven:
Take a break and just enjoy the story!
About the Author

KC Pagano
KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.