Bulb Planting for Kids
Bulb Planting for Kids
For this week’s newest Martin & Sylvia story, we’ve partnered with Lusa Organics to bring you a special treat! Unlike spring-time gardening, there is a delayed payoff when planting bulbs in the fall. We can plant the bulbs now, but must wait until the spring to watch them grow! This Bulb Planting for Kids tutorial is a great hands-on opportunity to teach kids about patience and staying the course while also connecting with nature.
Gardening in the Fall
Bulbs planted in the autumn (like daffodils and tulips) won’t be ready to grow for several months. Bulbs rely on winter's cold to inspire the bulb to flower in spring. As Daddy tells Martin in this week’s story, they need a lot of time to get ready — so we can plant the bulbs now. Then in the spring, we can watch them grow! We’ve partnered with our friend Rachel Jepsen Wolf of LüSa Organics to bring you this easy-to-follow bulb planting tutorial.
And just in time, as even colder weather is fast approaching for those in the northern hemisphere!
Bulb Planting for Kids with Rachel Jespon Wolf of LüSa Organics
To get started, you will just need: - Assorted fall bulbs - A trowel - Some compost - A filled watering can
Download this free tutorial from Lusa organics and start planting!
More About Rachel Jepson Wolf and Lusa Organics
LüSa Organics (lusaorganics.com) is a body care company specializing in herbal balms, soaps, and baby care.
The mission of the company, which was founded by author and homeschool mom Rachel Jepson Wolf, is to enrich lives through the pleasure of LüSa Organics products and the positive impact of their business practices. That impact touches individuals, communities, and the world.
To find more crafts, recipes, and activities like Bulb Planting for Kids, explore Rachel’s Unplugged Family Activity Book. The Unplugged Family Activity Book invites you and your loved ones to connect, create, and celebrate all year long. With more than 50 projects, crafts, and recipes, plus ideas for seasonal celebrations to share with family and friends, there’s fun to be had, all through the year.
More About Martin & Sylvia
Click through (below) to listen to “A Time for Bulbs,” the latest story in our new Martin & Sylvia Collection, Learning Days. Explore the entire Martin & Sylvia series here.
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About the Authors

Rachel Jepson Wolf
Rachel Jepson Wolf is the owner and founder of LüSa Organics, and the author of two books: Herbal Adventures is a wildcrafting book for kids and their families, and The Unplugged Family Activity Book is a treasure trove of screen-free fun. Rachel and her husband Pete homeschool their two kids in rural southwestern Wisconsin. You can find her online at rachelwolfclean.com.

Jessica Pounds
Jessica is a content creator, writer, strategist, and vintage pyrex collector. She has a passion for facilitating authentic connection, whether that's through her work at Sparkle Stories or her songwriting.