Back to School Crafts and Recipes Round Up
In this season of back to school, we are all looking for ways to encourage our children as they settle into their new routines. That's why we've gathered some of our best crafts and recipes to support families during this transitional time!
Use these as a way to help children remember the confidence, curiosity and excitement they experienced through the characters in the stories.
Salamander Pencil Pouch Patch
Inspired by the So Many Fairies story, "Mr. Salamander," this pencil pouch is a fun and unique way for your child to keep all their pencils and art supplies together.
Raspberry Tarts
If your child loves “Lunchable” style kits, this should be a big hit. It's a delightful lunch time treat that ties in the with By Thistle By Thimble story, "The Schoolmaster."
Shrinky Dink Self-Portrait Zipper Pulls
This craft is a fun way to help your child identify his or her backpack and will also help remind her of the themes discussed in the The Willowbee Tree story, "Zebra Stripes."
Teeny the Toadlet Sandwich Stacker
This "Teeny the Toadlet" inspired lunch will be the hit of the lunch table. It's easy to customize to your child's liking and will bring a smile to his face as he remembers to be brave, like Teeny was in the Sparkle Sleepytime story.
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About the Author

KC Pagano
KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.