A New Thanksgiving Table Setting Tradition
If you’re hosting Thanksgiving at your house this year, there’s no doubt you have a thousand and one thoughts going through your head and probably more as the day arrives. Do I have all the ingredients I need? What time do I have to put in the turkey to make sure it’s cooked? When am I going to clean the bathroom? Remember not to put Sheila and Bob next to each other at the table.
The last thing you need right now is the added stress of figuring out how to entertain your children while you’re pulling all of this together. Sparklers, we have the solution: place cards.
That’s right! Our Thanksgiving Day place card craft will not only keep your children busy (sans screens) while you finish things up in the kitchen but it’s guaranteed to bring a smile to each guest’s face as they sit down to dinner. Trust us, it’s the best.
Here’s what to do:
Give your children some paper, at least enough for one sheet per guest coming to Thanksgiving dinner and/or dessert. Have them write each person’s name vertically on the paper.
Then, for each letter of the person’s name, have them choose a word that starts with that letter and also reminds them of the person whose name it is. Like this:
Once you have the names and descriptors complete, decorate with markers, stickers, and whatever else you want.
Add them to the table in front of the seats where you want everyone to sit (remember: Sheila at one end, Bob at the other). For little ones not able to write yet, you may have to create the cards yourself and then let them decorate.
When it’s time for everyone to find their place and sit down, they’ll be surprised to see a list of all the reasons people around the table like them. Who wouldn’t be grateful for that?
Happy Thanksgiving!
About the Author

Suzanne Loring
A New England girl at heart, Suzanne hails from the Green Mountains of Vermont where she rides boards and bikes, climbs rocks, and runs trails with her two boys, husband, and pup, Jango. She can usually be found reading a book or writing (and rewriting) her first novel.