Helping & Healing
A Different Kind of Thanksgiving

A Different Kind of Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving is different. I'm not with my boys — they are with David in Massachusetts. I'm not hosting anything. I'm not even in my new house-in-the-woods in Vermont. In fact, I'm barely helping with anything. This year, I've accepted invitations. I'm being gifted experiences.

My biggest learning of this last year is that I'm supported. There are people in my world that love me and want to help me, each in their unique way. I'm a Six on the Enneagram, so I easily hold the story "I'm all on my own" and "I can't rely on anyone." But nothing could be less true. I just have to step out of my story and look around to see.

This year, friends held my hand in my struggle moments. Friends cheered my courage and laughed with me when things got wild. One friend met me each Friday for coffee, and not only listened to me but tracked my progress and reminded me of how far I've come. One friend taught me deep listening and trust-in-the-divine, both through our conversations and through her modeling. One Texas friend was a constant support through the move, going so far as to sort and pack all the junk in my garage on a 104 degree day. One friend drove cross-country with me, from Texas to Vermont, and was delightful, engaging company the whole way (and boy was it an adventure)! Upon arrival Vermont, friends came with goodies from their gardens and jars of homemade goodness from their pantries. Friends even set me up with furniture when I had to wait weeks for mine to arrive.

I am so so grateful. I'm grateful for all that love and support, and grateful that I am now seeing it clearly, and taking it in. (I think it's been there all along!)

So this Thanksgiving, I hope you find yourself encircled in love and support. I'm sure you're like me, you're used to being the one giving it, but this year, I hope you can receive. I also hope you let this year be its own year — unique, full of it's own nuttiness and beauty — even if the plans look the same as other years.

We are ever so grateful for you!

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