Sparkle Stories Blog


Hear from fellow Sparkle Stories fans and discover kind words and heartfelt testimonials about our stories and services. Join the chorus of voices sharing their love and appreciation for Sparkle Stories.

Friday's Kind Words: Quiet, Settled Space

We love Sparkle Stories! It is something I've been sharing with my seven-year-old son for a few years now and we both enjoy the stories and the quiet, settled space that it helps us create. ~Beth

Friday's Kind Words: A Smooth Transition from Screens

Your podcast has made the transition from being a TV family to being a (mostly) screen-free family so smooth because he LOVES the podcast.

Friday's Kind Words: All the Magical Places

Thanks to Sparkle Stories and David, our daughter Lyla has finally landed on her first decision of what she wants to be when she grows up: a storyteller. ~Katie

Friday's Kind Words: An Exceptional Contribution

You continue to amaze me with all that you do. It is truly an exceptional contribution to humanity! ~ Lesley

Friday's Kind Words: Inspiring Imaginative Play

Our 4-year-old son Caspar is a devoted fan of the Junkyard. I love listening to him giggle (this morning, he was laughing at the forgetful turkey). ~Jen

Friday's Kind Words: A Bit of Joy Every Day

We wanted to extend a giant thank you for the wonderful stories you have been sharing on your daily Advent podcast. We love the variety, especially some of the older stories ~ The Perella Family

Friday's Kind Words: Kind-hearted Characters

Your beautiful stories have inspired all sorts of conversations in our family about gratitude, kindness, sibling strife, and life in general.

~ Melissa (+ Sparkle kids )

Friday's Kind Words: Sparkle Stories Worked to Soothe and Calm

My son and his sister (age seven) have grown up with Martin and Sylvia and feel almost as if the stories are about themselves. ~ The Pelletier Family

Friday's Kind Words: Awesome Words

I have always been a story reader, not a teller, until you guys assured me through your awesome words that I could do it too. ~Jana

Friday's Kind Words: Can we Sparkle?

My daughter, age 7, has become a Sparkle story addict. My favorite part is that she uses Sparkle as a verb, as in - "Can we Sparkle tonight?". ~ Cortney

Friday's Kind Words: Words and Tools

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for the wonderful stories... I love the ability to have that time be part of my six-year-old's social-emotional curriculum... ~Natasha

Friday's Kind Words: Space for Our Imaginations to Run Free

Over the years, you have come into our home (and car) on a daily basis, giving us rest, inspiration, valuable lessons, and space for our imaginations to roam free. ~Gwendolyn

Friday's Kind Words: These Stories are Wonderful

We travel a lot and for long plane, train, and automobile rides these stories are wonderful. ~ Deanna

Friday's Kind Words: Loving and Kind

Thank you for talking about hard topics in ways that are loving and kind. ~ Bonnie Schmidt

Friday's Kind Words: Tales of Courage, Innovation, and Friendship

My kids, now seven and three, end their days with a Sparkle Story at bedtime. We love the characters and their adventures. ~ Christy Tidd

Friday's Kind Words: A Treasured Part of Childhood

My son has been listening to Sparkle Stories since he was five (he is now nine) and they have become a treasured part of his childhood. ~ Molly Baver Goodall

Friday's Kind Words: Giggles and Inspiration

They are sweet stories that help my children slow down a bit. We are happy to be part of the Sparkle family and happy to support this family enterprise. ~Marygold

Friday's Kind Words: So Many Great Ideas

I can't tell you how much we love you at Sparkle Stories and how much you have influenced our family culture. ~Hsiaolei

Friday's Kind Words: So Much Good in the World

Thank you Sparkle Stories for offering concrete ways to talk with our children about hard topics. ~ Bonnie Schmidt (Facebook)

Friday's Kind Words: Amazing Story Weavers

I am a HUGE fan of sparkle stories. We have been listening to the podcast for a year, and I continue to recommend you to my friends and family. ~ Jess Laxo

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