Hear from fellow Sparkle Stories fans and discover kind words and heartfelt testimonials about our stories and services. Join the chorus of voices sharing their love and appreciation for Sparkle Stories.

Friday's Kind Words: Simple Acts of Bravery
I used your back to school post with my son as he started at a new school. He came home and said with confidence and pride, “Mama, I was brave today. I talked to the kids at my table.” ~Jessica

Friday's Kind Words: Imaginative and Engaging Stories
My son (age five) LOVES Sparkle Stories! Thank you for providing such imaginative and engaging stories for our kids! ~ Mindy

Friday's Kind Words: Help Reduce Screen-time
Sparkle Stories are our answer to peaceful car rides and help reduce screen-time consumption at home. Thank you for creating this wonderful resource.

Friday's Kind Words: Part of Our Lives Everyday
Thank you again for all you do! Sparkle stories got us through a long hard winter, and I am grateful it is part of our lives every day!

Friday's Kind Words: A Great Alternative to Screens
"Well loved by all of us, such a great alternative to screens." - Amy, Floyd, Virginia

Friday's Kind Words: Wonderful Lessons
"My children and I are obsessed with these stories. They teach us wonderful lessons — even me — and they are so inspiring and motivating." - Katie, Portland, OR

Friday's Kind Words: Brilliant Story Telling
Thank you for such brilliant story telling. ~ Clare

Friday's Kind Words: Tackle Any Topic
There is no topic that Sparkle Stories is afraid to tackle! Thank you for all that you do! ~ Caroline, Vancouver, BC

Friday's Kind Words: Stories That Evoke Wonder
My children have been listen to Sparkle Stories, specifically the Martin & Sylvia series, for well over three years. Every night. They know all the words and recite the stories as they listen! ~Lettie

Friday's Kind Words: Quiet Times
We LOVE Sparkle stories so much! We use them for quiet times when our hands are busy and even for helping my very active five-year-old to have something wonderful to listen to while eating breakfast. ~Yvette

Friday's Kind Words: Value-Rich Stories
Sparkle Stories are engaging, nurturing, and value-rich stories that I adore listening to with my children. They've grown up with David's voice and his carefully crafted characters. ~ Claire

Friday's Kind Words: Relaxing, Interesting, and Exciting
I like stories and it’s on the phone and it’s good to listen to. Sparkle stories are very, very nice, especially Sam Sugar Pop and Newberry. (Summer, age 6)

Friday's Kind Words: Absolutely the Best!
Absolutely the best! Love the educational states series. Love how Martin and Sylvia make my kids feel more 'normal' about homeschooling, gardening. ~ Jillian Liu

Friday's Kind Words: I Can Rely on a Sparkle Story
I love that I can rely on a Sparkle Story to uplift, to calm, to engage, or to bring a little magic when my supplies of these gifts are low. ~Liz York, Pennsylvania

Friday's Kind Words: Zora, 7
Maybe you should tell David he should translate the stories into as many languages as possible so the most people can enjoy it!" ~ Zora, age 7

Friday's Kind Words: From Knox
I would like you to tell the Sparkle Stories people that I really like the Junkyard Tales song. ~ Knox, age 7

Friday's Kind Words: Beautiful, Gentle Technology
Thank you so much for creating a beautiful, gentle technology that has had such a positive impact on our lives. ~ Erin from California

Friday's Kind Words: Thanks to Your Stories
Thank you so much for all the little moments of calm we get thanks to your stories.
~ Denise in Texas

Friday's Kind Words: It's Perfect!
The stories are the perfect length, they are engaging, they focus on character values, and they are recorded so pleasantly! ~Chelsea

Friday's Kind Words: Part of Our Breakfast Routine
My son just got a Sparkle subscription for his birthday and now it’s part of our breakfast routine to listen to another story! ~Elizabeth