Hear from fellow Sparkle Stories fans and discover kind words and heartfelt testimonials about our stories and services. Join the chorus of voices sharing their love and appreciation for Sparkle Stories.

Friday's Kind Words: It's Home
"I don't have the words to tell you what you have offered to our family." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: After Lunch Was Your Logo
"I secretly wished I could be the homeschooler Mommy and Daddy are in the Martin and Sylvia stories, but knew that my own talents weren't particularly well-suited to the version we have been dealt….So that first week in March, we co-made a schedule…. Right after lunch was your logo."

Friday's Kind Words: Long-Time Listeners
"From my soul, thank you." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Grow and Learn
" Thank you for such rich, lovely, thoughtful content." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Last Forever
"I really love your Martin and and Sylvia stories." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: He Still Listens
"It's the only thing that finally got our older child to fall asleep on his own..." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Most Perfect Way to Spend the Day
"Thank you for this lovely gift!" We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: We All Enjoy the Stories
"Sparkle Stories is so rich - exactly the type of content and delivery I want in our daughters’ lives." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Beautiful Content
"And as a single mom, knowing they're listening to beautiful content and that I don't have to worry about them being exposed to things they're not ready for yet, has freed makeup to do important things, like shower in peace, among others. Thanks so much for all the hard work you do!"

Friday's Kind Words: Valuable Language
"Valuable Language"|We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Treasure Hunt
"Treasure Hunt" We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Gratitude Runs Deep
"You just can’t know how important your stories have been in our lives." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Our Family's Rhythm
"It’s unbelievable how quickly Sparkle Stories has become part of our families rhythm." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Awesome Work
"Hello There, My son and daughter love sparkle stories. My son who is 9 years old listened to all of your stories. He listened to all of the 9 years old stories and loved them.

Friday's Kind Words: Loyal Listeners
"We've been loyal listeners for years now." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Family Values
"Hello. Firstly, thank you for all the wonderful stories! Our whole family loves to listen to Sparkle Stories and it's amazing to feel so safe letting our little ones listen and trusting that our family values are shared and emphasized in the stories."

Friday's Kind Words: Outward and Upward
"Thanks for all the love." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Calm and Peace
"Thank you for the In It Together series. These stories are providing such calm and peace to both of my kids. My 6-year-old keeps remarking on how similar the characters’ experiences are to his." ~ Melissa Quest-Mercadante

Friday's Kind Words: Quick Note
"Just wanted to send you a quick note to tell you how much my son absolutely LOVES Sparkle Stores." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Magical
"She grew and so did the stories." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).