Hear from fellow Sparkle Stories fans and discover kind words and heartfelt testimonials about our stories and services. Join the chorus of voices sharing their love and appreciation for Sparkle Stories.

Friday's Kind Words: Story Night
"Sparkle Stories really understands how to create, tell and deliver stories that nourish imagination and wonder." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Admire and Appreciate
"We all love you in our household and admire and appreciate your work." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: "Is it Friday yet?"
"I write this to tell you how much I enjoy your products." We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Soul-Building Work
"Thank you so much for the authentic, creative, and soul-building work that you do!" We love hearing kind words from our fellow Sparklers. Has Sparkle Stories impacted your life? Drop us a line and let us know (you can find us on Facebook & Instagram).

Friday's Kind Words: Stories Inspire Lovely Conversations
I just wanted to tell you how incredibly much my 4 yr old daughter is loving the stories (and me as well!).

Friday's Kind Words: Sooooo Happy
I just wanted to tell you how much my daughter, who is five, loves your stories. The other day, when we were listening to the Thanksgiving one, she exclaimed, "That story made me SOOOOOO happy!". ~ Judy Bright, Cambridge, MA, USA