Hear from fellow Sparkle Stories fans and discover kind words and heartfelt testimonials about our stories and services. Join the chorus of voices sharing their love and appreciation for Sparkle Stories.

Friday's Kind Words: Bonds of Humanity Laced with Empathy
It's been a pleasure and privilege to be a Sparkler and my boys thoroughly enjoy listening to your stories. ~ Lisha

Friday's Kind Words: We Believe in What You are Doing
Buster Bully, now one of my favorite stories. The various ideas Sergeant had for helping the situation were invaluable. ~ Jennifer

Friday's Kind Words: Creating Positive Associations
Thank you for making these stories - I am so grateful that my children will have another positive association with the Islamic faith through Martin and Sylvia! ~ Becky

Friday's Kind Words: Excited to Pass the Word Along
I love the values, simplicity, and loving kindness behind each of your lovely stories. ~ Robin

Friday's Kind Words: Preserving Precious Childhood
I want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work you are doing to preserve precious childhood, in a time not many other companies are interested in doing the same. ~Kelly

Friday's Kind Words: A Magical Effect
Our morning commute to school is around 30-45 minutes and the same in the afternoon and so we sometimes listen to as many as 4 stories in a day. ~Aurora

Friday's Kind Words: In Alignment
My children attend a small Waldorf School and it’s always difficult to find outside influences that are in alignment with our family culture and intent. - Amy

Friday's Kind Words: Help with Dinner
It's fair to say that my 5 year old loves both the Martin & Sylvia and the Junkyard stories - we listen to one or the other on the way home from school every day. ~ Megan

Friday's Kind Words: A Gift for a Lifetime
Consider me a doting granny who is thrilled that her grandchildren enjoy good story-telling. ~Maggie

Friday's Kind Words: Parenting Revelation
My last month's parenting revelation was that our laundry never gets folded and put away. Well, actually, that was last year's observation. It gets washed and dried and sits in a basket until I have "the time" to fold it and put it away.

Friday's Kind Words: Huge Fans
My son loves to hear the stories and I love telling people about Sparkle. ~Adriana

Friday's Kind Words: Cozy Listening Station
Our puppy apparently likes to relax with a sparkle story sometimes, too ;) My son had set up a cozy listening station for himself but the dog took it over. ~ Kristi

Friday's Kind Words: A Treasure in This House
Your stories are a treasure in this house, my children ask for them all the time, while making, drawing, painting, baking, falling asleep and getting up for the day. ~ Valerie

Friday's Kind Words: A Huge Part of Our Lives
We love to learn and be inspired and adding in Sparkle Stories has become a huge part of that for us. - Janice

Friday's Kind Words: An Abiding Love for Your Work
We want you to know that we strongly feel that your "Violet Crown" series is worthy of a book and a movie.- Colleen

Friday's Kind Words: Opening Windows of Magical Worlds
My husband, a pediatric surgeon, who often has to grab sleep whenever it is possible, has told me that he often puts on a sparkle sleepy time as he's laying down in a call room! ~Melissa

Friday's Kind Words: Finding Easy Access Roads
I can't tell you the worth your stories have in our family's day to day life and even in our special moments as we celebrate our specialness as a family. ~Cynthia

Friday's Kind Words: Try It!
For anyone wondering if it’s right for their family, I say TRY IT! We have loved Sparkle Stories for over a year now and can’t imagine life without them anymore. -Noreen

Friday's Kind Words: Love the App and Website
I just wanted you to know that my husband and I love the app and website. And we all love that we can search for a story or character. -Raheli

Friday's Kind Words: Gratitude and Congrats
Thank you for this - you guys are some of the most thoughtful, kind people! We are so thankful for Sparkle Stories in our home. ~ Emily