Hear from fellow Sparkle Stories fans and discover kind words and heartfelt testimonials about our stories and services. Join the chorus of voices sharing their love and appreciation for Sparkle Stories.

Friday's Kind Words: Our Son's Favorite Series
My 8 year old son has been listening to Sparkle Stories for years and has declared this (Dry Gables: Hands Together) series to be his very favorite. ~Erica

Friday's Kind Words: Awesome Things in a Troubled World
You're doing awesome things in a troubled world. I really appreciate it. Truly. ~Jessie

Friday's Kind Words: Great Conversations
My daughter and her friend loved the FIFTY stories and it helped us start into some great conversations about history and our current sociopolitical events. ~ Lindsey

Friday's Kind Words: Empathy, Understanding, and Compassion
Your work is so amazing and important!!! Stories seem so simple, and yet each story so quickly and easily transports you to empathy, understanding and compassion. Thank you for these offerings! ~Amy

Friday's Kind Words: An Integrated Part of Our Lives
My children and I LOVE your stories so much. They have become such an integrated part of our lives that we can’t imagine living without them. ~Kate

Friday's Kind Words: So Grateful to Have Found You
It is such a joy to listen to all the stories and my boys are always asking for more. The new states series is wonderful. ~Maggie

Friday's Kinds Words: A Little Bit of Home
We have been so grateful for your stories which have been a part of our life since the kids were wee pre-schoolers. ~Jennifer

Friday's Kind Words: Positive Forces
I just would like to thank you for being absolutely amazingly positive forces of (human) nature. ~Bolaji O

Friday's Kind Words: New Ways of Thinking
Thank you to David for sharing his talent and to Lisabeth for recognizing it and helping it become available to us all. We appreciate you and what you have brought to our family. ~Alison

Friday's Kind Words: "Copyright 2014"
We've been loving your stories since this past March when our second was born. You guys are helping to educate my husband through the podcast and inspiring all of us with activities. ~Amy

Friday's Kind Words: Nature and Her Magical Creatures
Thanks for what you do. I feel such a kindred spirit with you. Your work definitely has reach and value in our world. ~Tiffanie

Friday's Kind Words: Always Just Right
We read a lot, and when picking up a new book, it can be a challenge to know if the story is just right for a 4-year-old, a 9-year-old and a new baby. Your stories are always just right. ~ Jennifer

Friday's Kind Words: Thoughtful, Eloquent Stories
Thanks for the positivity and inspiration you bring to families around the world. ~Alaura

Friday's Kind Words: Ever-more-important
You guys are doing such fantastic (and ever-more-important) work! ~Stefani Farris

Friday's Kind Words: Funny and Delightful Stories
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar stories are funny and delightful, and they demonstrate courage, authenticity, compassion, empathy and most of all - service. ~Lizzy Spohr Russinko

Fridyay's Kind Words: Community Minded Stories
It is so nice to have wholesome, socially-progressive, community minded stories to share with our children (and enjoy ourselves). ~Adam Murray

Friday's Kind Words: Road Trip Life Saver
We listen to your stories during all of our road trips it's an absolute lifesaver. ~Kelly Kelley
Friday's Kind Words: Stories as Inspiration
I am fairly certain I am inspired by these stories as much as my child is! ~ Melissa Teske

Friday's Kind Words: Such a Wonderful Resource
I've listened to the first couple of SparkleCast podcasts and already feel a subtle shift in my parenting. ~MagicMama1978 iTunes Review

Friday's Kind Words: Creative and Imaginative Stories
My kids love listening to these stories, and I love that they ask to listen instead of watching television or playing a video game. ~ Jamotz SparkleCast Listener