Sparkle Holiday
Celebrate the season with Sparkle Holiday! Dive into holiday-related crafts, traditions, and festivities to make your celebrations sparkle with joy and magic.

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 17 – Squirrel Circus
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 17. The second big storm comes to the Junkyard and this time, it brings with it some unexpected guests: The Squirrel Circus! This thrills the Junkyard animals — that is, everyone except the steadfast watchdog who worries that the loud and enthusiastic squirrels will bring too much attention.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 17: "Good Ol'Dog"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Good Ol'Dog," Brother and sister want to make Christmas gifts for their pets Pickles and Billbill. It is easy to think of a good gift for their kitty, but what do you give a good ol’ dog?

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 16 – Inventor Mouse
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 16. When Sally announces that the children would like a full train set as well as a game table called “Foolsball,” the little mouse Newberry steps forward with a plan for how to build them both.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 16: "Forest Treasures"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Forest Treasures," Sylvia has a hard time finding acorn caps that she needs for Momma’s gift. Then brother and sister are invited on an Advent Nature Scavenger hunt where they find all sorts of treasures – including acorn caps!

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 15 – Sally
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 15. Sally comes up with a plan to spy on the Warden’s children and discover what they would like for Christmas. But the best laid plans always have challenges — and Sally needs to change her plan very quickly so that she can accomplish her task without being discovered!

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 15: "A Little Singing and A Lot of Love"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "A Little Singing and A Lot of Love," brother and sister hear Momma coughing on the morning of the Hallelujah Sing Along, they decide to take good care of her for the entire day.

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 14 – Cats
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 14. The neighborhood cats are thrilled to help Ben find some Christmas presents for the Warden’s children. The only thing is — fun for cats is different from fun for children.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 14: "Downtown"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Downtown," Martin, Sylvia, Momma and Daddy go downtown to look at the holiday window displays, and are delighted to find something… well, surprising in one of them.

SparkleCast Episode 8 – The Twelve Days of Christmas with Meredith Markow
In this episode, Meredith, Rebecca, and David discuss the collection Twelve Tales of a Tullyport Christmas – the stories-within-the-stories of our other holiday collection, Martin & Sylvia’s Twelve Days of Christmas. Meredith and David talk about the history of the festival and then how it has shown up in their lives.

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 13 - Cowboy
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 13. It seems Mitzie Niegel has told a number of animals in town about the Junkyard’s challenge. When Ben’s old friend Cowboy comes to help out, he learns that the Junkyard is important to many more animals than he had thought!

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 13: "Woodshed Theater"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Woodshed Theater," today’s Advent Card provides costumes and an idea that transforms into a Woodshed Theater production called “The King and The Beggar Have Christmas,” featuring Martin and Sylvia!

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 12 – Hootie
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 12. Somehow, several valuable coins keep showing up in the flower pots outside Mr. Flinch’s House of Chairs. When Ben stays up to discover who is putting them there, he is delighted to see an old friend — who has gotten older!

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 12: "Spunderful Day"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Spunderful Day," When Martin visits the Spunderful Shop to get materials for a present for Sylvia, he doesn’t realize that some Advent magic is waiting for him.

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 11 – Starlight
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 11. Though the other mice have full bellies and are sleeping comfortably in the shed, Starlight is awake and wondering what to do. Then she sees a bright star shining overhead and realizes it is a sign — the star formation! The snow has stopped and it’s time for the mice to go home!

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 11: "Storytelling Surprises"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story,"Storytelling Surpises", it’s a grey day, and everyone is grouchy. Nothing is quite right! What to do today? Momma gives Martin and Sylvia a fun storytelling exercise to help them decide, and all three are surprised by the magical answer.

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 10 – Fredland
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 10. Late at night by the Beaver Pond, Fredland the Moose wakes from a powerful dream — a dream that shows him his Junkyard friends need his help! So off he goes, through the snow and wind, until he hears two familiar voices in the distance. The trip from the Beaver Pond to the Junkyard is long and windy.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 10: "Library Magic"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story,"Library Magic," when Martin is trying to decide what to make Daddy for Christmas, he gets the perfect idea from an unexpected source.

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 9 – Harriet the Hawk
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 9. Right when the Junkyard animals are all worried for the young mice and Spiro, Harriet Hawk arrives with good news: she has seen the mice and Angus and Spiro. All are safe! This reassures everyone except Zippy who is determined to help his friend.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 9: "The Warmth of Wool"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story,"The Warmth of Wool," what do Christmas Angels and sheep have in common? Find out today in Martin & Sylvia’s Advent adventure to the Brown’s farm!

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 8 – Spiro
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 8. When Spiro learns that the young mice went out on their own, he doesn’t want to wait for a plan to be formed — he wants to help them NOW. So he puts on goggles, straps a flashlight to his head, and protects his paws with plastic cups, Super Skunk is coming to the rescue!