Sparkle Holiday
Celebrate the season with Sparkle Holiday! Dive into holiday-related crafts, traditions, and festivities to make your celebrations sparkle with joy and magic.

Castlechanter Audio Advent Calendar Crafts and recipes: Week Four
This final week of the Fairy Advent Calendar is about slowing down, being close with loved ones, and being mindful. The end of advent is a time for introspection and going slow. Take it easy this week, make some tea and a snack, and maybe enjoy a little walk in nature.

Castlechanter Audio Advent Calendar Crafts and Recipes: Week Three
This week is filled with wonderful baked goods and lots of crafting. The adventures Oscar and Aliyah go on just keep getting richer and richer as they learn about themselves along the way. We hope you are learning alongside them — we know that we are!

Castlechanter Audio Advent Calendar Crafts and recipes: Week Two
Week Two is here and we’ve got lots of tasty treats to share and crafts to make. From rock art and latkes to shepherd’s pie and pine needle tea, get yourself ready for a very tasty Week Two!

The Castlechanter Fairy Printable Advent Calendar
Take a peek at our printable Castlechanter Fairy Advent Calendar. The fairies and elves here at Sparkle have been hard at work creating this Sparkle Audio Advent Calendar. Each day, starting from December 1 through 25, listen to a story a day and open a door to go along.

Parent Cheat Sheet: Castlechanter Fairy Advent Activities
Use this parent cheat sheet to help you navigate the stories with activities that relate to each story. In this cheat sheet, we’ve given you a timeline so you can be prepared with a recipe, craft, or fun idea in advance.

Castlechanter Audio Advent Calendar Crafts and recipes: Week One
Welcome to the first week of the Castlechanter Fairy Advent Calendar! We are so delighted you chose to join us. Every day for the next four weeks, we will be sharing crafts and recipes from our Sparkle Archives that are similar to the ones in the advent calendar.

Sparkle Holiday Extravaganza! All of Our Holiday Content in One Spot
Here in Sparkle Land, we love the holiday season. Since the very beginning of Sparkle we’ve been crafting and cooking for the holidays. That means we have A LOT of holiday content spread out through nine years’ worth of blog posts. We’ve rounded up everything right here into one master list of links.

It's Advent with Martin & Sylvia! Stories & Projects
December first is almost here and that means Advent is coming! Why not celebrate Advent with Martin and Sylvia and their holiday adventures? You'll not only enjoy stories but printables and project fun. We've gathered all the advent calendar stories and projects right here in one place.

It's a Libby & Dish Holiday! Libby & Dish Good Deed a Day Club
Looking for something a little different this year for advent? Why not join Libby & Dish for their Good-Deed-a-Day Club? We've got everything right here to get you started!

It's a Junkyard Tales Advent! Stories & Projects
Celebrate Advent with the Junkyard crew! We've gathered all the Junkyard Tales Advent calendar stories and projects right here in one place so you can easily organize for Advent.

Our Three Audio Advent Calendars (First Stories are FREE)
Learn all about our three Audio Advent Calendars!

The Wonder of Halloween
David talks about why children actually want to dress in gory costumes of monsters, the undead and the maimed: they are still looking for wonder!

Parent Cheat Sheet: Libby & Dish's Good Deed a Day Club
With the help of this "cheat sheet" your can pattern your own daily good deeds after those of Libby and her friends. Many of the good deeds are quite simple, and you can easily adapt them to fit your own family's culture or interests.

Libby & Dish's Good-Deed-a-Day Club!
All about our Libby & Dish's Good-Deed-a-Day Club collection!

The Wonder of Halloween
Halloween is one of our favorite holidays. When our kids were younger, we’d go full tilt. Not only would we all dress up, but we’d put on roving Halloween plays or fire-lit Halloween parties.

Celebrating Autumn Equinox
Celebrating the Fall Equinox is a great way to bring a closer connection to nature into your home. Explore our best waldorf-inspired tips to help welcome the change from summer to fall.

Storybox Playlist: Our Best Stories for Advent
Advent is upon us! We in Sparkle Land are big fans of the Advent season.

Sparkle Craft: Martin & Sylvia's Colorable Ornaments for Advent
For this year's calendar, our lovely Sparkle Stories artists have made a beautiful set of printable ornaments.

Parent Cheat Sheet: Martin & Sylvia's Daily Advent Activities
As you are planning and preparing for your own Advent season, we thought you might enjoy a little "cheat sheet" for what’s ahead with Martin and Sylvia. You can let the ideas from the stories inspire your own daily activities.

Lanterns and Lights
There might not be much light coming from your lantern, but it could make all the difference for someone experiencing the many darknesses around us.