Sparkle Schoolhouse

The Story is Only the Beginning! With the inspiration of each Sparkle Story as a beginning, the corresponding Sparkle Schoolhouse lesson continues the journey with wholesome enrichment, inspired tutorials and a welcoming community for our homeschooling Sparkle Parents, Adults, Teachers and Children.

"The Lantern Prince" – a Free Martinmas Story

Next week is Martinmas – a festival that may not be familiar to many of you – but one that is perfect for the mood of early November and in cultivating festival life. Days are shortening.

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "A Great Burden is Lifted"

The stories from the two "Dry Gables" Series include an accompanying post from the Sparkle Schoolhouse Educator, Meredith Markow. In this post we cover our good friend, Wilhelm Bauer, Dry Gables’ Carpenter and Town Planner.

Understanding Your Child with Meredith Markow. SparkleCast Episode 4

In this episode of SparkleCast, Meredith, David, and Rebecca talk about Sparkle Schoolhouse and how the Dry Gables story series can be used to better understand your child: their fears, their desires, their relationships, and how they prefer to be motivated.

Being Present with Big Emotions with Dr. Carrie Contey. SparkleCast Episode 1.

In this episode of SparkleCast, Carrie, David, and Rebecca discuss how children can healthily experience their rich emotional lives and how parents can be present and guide their children without being “plugged in” to their experience.

Calming Down with Jonathan Hewitt. SparkleCast Episode 2

In this episode of SparkleCast, we discuss how children can ground themselves in their bodies when they are feeling "out of sorts" – and offer practical ways in which children can find calm during a Halloween season of darkness and fear.

sparkle craft: leadership word stones

In this craft post we are going to make a simple craft to inspire children to be true leaders. Often when we wish to accomplish something or bring focus to the day, it is helpful to have a "guide word." Even children can have a guide word or phrase.

Models of True Leadership

There are many models out there for leadership – and it is up to us, the parents, teachers, and healers to find them, talk about them, and then hold them up in front of our children. Our children who will be the leaders of the future.

Handy Toolbelt of Stories to Help and Heal

One of the Sparkle missions is to offer stories that help children through common thresholds. Whether it's the loss of a pet, the first day of school, or divorcing parents, we want to have stories that can be used to help and heal.

“Helpers”: A Story About Natural Disasters, Fear, and Lending a Hand

Wildfires are scary. Flooding is scary. The news is thick with pictures of burning or flooding homes, and next week there are thousands of children who will not start school because their school is either underwater or their home has burned to the ground.

The Welcoming Feast: A Video Introduction and New Story

This week we hear more from Martin and Sylvia’s new friends, the Hadid family – and their honoring of Ramadan.

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "Johann Bauer: Blacksmith"

In this post, we will meet the true power center of our Dry Gables’ community. Our blacksmith, Johann Bauer. There is only one way to treat our Johanns…like royalty—not in terms of honoring their status, as much as respecting their power.

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "Franz and Lena Denken: Dry Good Proprietors"

The stories from the two Dry Gables Series include an accompanying post from the Sparkle Schoolhouse Educator, Meredith Markow. So, if you’re looking to trust someone, look no further than to our responsible, dutiful and loyal dry goods proprietors, Franz and Lena Denken!

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "Liesl Herz: Nurse"

In this post we spend some time with the warm and generous Liesl Herz, Dry Gable’s nurse and healer.

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "Max Denken: Newspaperman"

Greetings, Sparkle Grown Ups! Get on your 3-D glasses, and boldly go where no man has gone before! To the truth seeking, innovative mind of our friend, Max Denken!

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "Seamus O'Conner: Dry Gables School Teacher"

In this post, we go deep sea diving into the realms of beauty, depth, longing, intuition, creativity and imagination. And it is here that we will meet Ernst Bernard’s beloved teacher, Mr. Seamus O’Conner.

Storybox Playlist: Stories for the Sensitive Child

We wish to honor those children who find situations and encounters a little more intimidating than others. With these stories, we hope to soothe that bring comfort to those children who feel just a little more intensely than others.

Storybox Playlist: In Honor of Martin Luther King — Stories of Civil Rights

Each January 18th here in the US, we honor the memory of the great civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He worked tirelessly during the 1960's to bring change and create equal rights for the African American citizens of this nation. He was and still is a hero to many and for that we honor him this week with stories about civil rights.

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "Marta Bauer The Baker (and Peacemaker)"

Our Martas are the peacekeepers, and they create harmony and ease among their fellow friends (and even adversaries).

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "Wilhelm Bauer: Carpenter and Designer"

In this post we'll acquaint you with the character Wilhelm Bauer. The Bauers want their autonomy, and they like things to be just so.

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "Jane Meyer: Pony Express Rider"

In this post, we’ll spend some time with our adventure seeking, optimistic, high spirited and curious, Jane Meyer!

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