Sparkle Schoolhouse
The Story is Only the Beginning! With the inspiration of each Sparkle Story as a beginning, the corresponding Sparkle Schoolhouse lesson continues the journey with wholesome enrichment, inspired tutorials and a welcoming community for our homeschooling Sparkle Parents, Adults, Teachers and Children.

November Tips for a Day of Rest
What can we learn from Martin and Sylvia’s November Day of Rest? Here are a few ways to follow their example.

FIFTY Study Page: New Jersey — "Miss Barton’s Free School"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of Public Education in America, and of the American Red Cross.

FIFTY Study Page: West Virginia "Follow Your Own Noon"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of Coal and Electric Power in the Appalachian part of the country.

FIFTY Study Page: Nebraska — "Omaha Claim Club"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of Claim Clubs and justice in the American Wild West, as well as early feminism in the territories.

October Tips for a Day of Rest
This is a month of enchantment and mystery — from fairies to costumes to decorations — and Martin and Sylvia’s family wants to lean into that more deeply. They propose giving some extra focus to the moments of magic and wonder that arise, especially on their Days of Rest. Doesn’t this sound like a marvelous idea?

FIFTY Study Page: Pennsylvania —"Three Men and a Bell"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore symbols of the Revolutionary War and America in general.

FIFTY Study Page: Indiana "Geodes and Gnomes"
This story from the FIFTY collection is historical fiction that focuses on geology through Indiana state history. The characters can be useful as reference points and inspirations. Read about our suggested topics for investigation!

FIFTY Study Page: Georgia "All in Translation"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of Muskogee and Creek People. We also take a look at prison reform initiatives and political challenges between English colonies and Spanish (Florida).

FIFTY Study Page: Oregon " We Will Vote"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the History of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, and of the Louisiana Purchase.

September Tips for a Day of Rest
Here are a few tips to get you started in your thinking about Days of Rest during the upcoming festival season.

FIFTY Study Page: Iowa “Farmer’s Holiday”
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore labor union initiatives in Farming, Mining, Factory workers, etc. It also helps establish an understanding of farm subsidies and how they work.

FIFTY Study Page: Michigan "The Gotham Hotel"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore “The Great Migration” of African Americans from the rural south to the industrial cities of the north as well as the history of Detroit and its African American Paradise Valley district.

FIFTY Study Page: Maine “From the Ashes”
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to create a study of resilience in early America and to instill an appreciation for how difficult life was in the early days of the country.

FIFTY Study Page: Hawaii "Queens"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore how the Kingdom of Hawaii was formed and how the Kingdom became a Republic and then a state.

August Tips for a Day of Rest
If you’re interested in sharing your Day of Rest with friends as Martin and Sylvia’s family does, here are a few tips to get you started

FIFTY Study Page: Colorado “One Hundred and One Nights”
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of the American West and Southwest as it shifts from Spanish to Mexican to American control.

FIFTY Study Page: Arizona "Finding Planet X"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of Astronomy and the Lowell Observatory.

FIFTY Study Page: Kentucky - "Electrification"
Citizens of Kentucky considered both the benefits and cost of bringing electricity to rural farms in 1953. This story from the FIFTY collection is historical fiction. The characters can be useful as reference points and inspirations. Read about our suggested topics for investigation!

July Tips for a Day of Rest
If you’re interested in exploring different traditions in your Day of Rest as Martin and Sylvia’s family does, here are a few tips to get you started for the month of July.

FIFTY Study Page- North Carolina: "You Are Not Your Father"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore how trade worked with Europe and the islands of the Caribbean, as well as the complicated ethics of piracy during this time in history.