Sparkle Schoolhouse
The Story is Only the Beginning! With the inspiration of each Sparkle Story as a beginning, the corresponding Sparkle Schoolhouse lesson continues the journey with wholesome enrichment, inspired tutorials and a welcoming community for our homeschooling Sparkle Parents, Adults, Teachers and Children.

Magic at the Heart of Sparkle Storytelling
In this season of birds and blossoms and so so many spring fairies, may we all pause to notice the thickness in the air, the wonderful tension of magic as it attracts the impossible to your door.

Sparkle Weekly Wondering: Dry Gables - Good Neighbors
Today we launch a third Dry Gables collection: “Good Neighbors.”

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "Get It Done!"
The Enneagram is a complex and meaningful model of human personality. It offers us a road map in helping us to identify who we are at our best and what blocks us from a place of happiness and greater ease. Here we explore it through one of our own Sparkle Stories collections.

Dry Gables: The Stories and How to Use Them
Dry Gables is a unique series of stories centered around the people who live and work in a Victorian era small town in South Dakota. Each of the nine characters embodies a way of being in the world — with unique behaviors, motivations, and fears.

Why Storytelling Is Way Better Than Lecturing Your Kids
There is an alternative parenting technique that is hardly new. It has been used since our species could speak, and it is not only effective, it is delightful: storytelling. We are wired for it — literally. The neuroscience is conclusive — we use stories to build our realities and make sense of them.

The Nurtured Heart Approach (and Junkyard Tales stories for Parents!)
In the fall, I came across a parenting tool that deeply inspired me. It's called the Nurtured Heart Approach.

FIFTY Study Page: Tennessee — "One of Us"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of Country Music and the Grand Ole Opry.

FIFTY Study Page: Missouri— "Rainbow Bridge"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of St. Louis as the Gateway to the American West and the history of the Gateway Arch Monument.

FIFTY: Minnesota— " This House"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the relationship between geography (noting the presence of flint) and biography.

FIFTY Study Page: Kansas— "The Rivalry"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of the Kansas/Missouri conflict over Kansas becoming a state and its relationship to the Civil War.

FIFTY Study Page: Maryland — "The Test Oath"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the impact of religion on U.S. history, particularly in Maryland.

FIFTY Study Page: Montana— "The Marriage Bar"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the History of Montana Territory and State, and the history of women’s rights in the American West.

Tips for a December Day of Rest
It’s no small thing to create space for rest in the busy month of December. But consider taking a page out of Martin and Sylvia’s book and imagine a few ways to restructure, reframe, or re-evaluate your activities so that you can take just one day for a few hours of restoration.

FIFTY Study Page: Rhode Island— "The Cohan Family Mirth Makers"
This story from the FIFTY collection focuses on the history of Rhode Island by exploring vaudeville, the backstory of American Theater, and the biography of George M Cohen.

Sparkle Weekly Wanderings: Happy Thanksgiving
As America launches into the season of gift giving and getting (and do consider the gift of stories this year - see below for big sale), we’d like to take a breath and talk about gratitude.

FIFTY Study Page: Massachusetts — "The Power of Thanksgiving"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the Native American history of the many tribes of New England and their interactions.

FIFTY Study Page: Oklahoma— "Migrant Mother"
This story from the FIFTY collection is historical fiction that explores the History of the Dust bowl and the official "Indian Territory" of Oklahoma. The characters can be useful as reference points and inspirations. Read about our suggested topics for investigation!

Parent Cheat Sheet: Martin & Sylvia's Daily Advent Activities
As you are planning and preparing for your own Advent season, we thought you might enjoy a little "cheat sheet" for what’s ahead with Martin and Sylvia. You can let the ideas from the stories inspire your own daily activities.

FIFTY Study Page: Nevada— " The Telegram"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the History of Nevada Territory, and of Morse Code, and the Telegraph technology.

FIFTY Study Page: North Dakota — "Snow Dancing"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of Immigration to North Dakota ad in particular the Norwegian Community.