Sparkle Schoolhouse
The Story is Only the Beginning! With the inspiration of each Sparkle Story as a beginning, the corresponding Sparkle Schoolhouse lesson continues the journey with wholesome enrichment, inspired tutorials and a welcoming community for our homeschooling Sparkle Parents, Adults, Teachers and Children.

Art Supplies and Creative Play Materials
Children have an innate curiosity to explore their world through tactile experience and creative imaginative play. Sometimes as adults, we forget that we too have this ability. Here's a great list of materials to help your family get creative!

Small Acts That Make a Big Difference in Helping the Planet
Young people are anxious, and anxiety in youth seems to be growing. Who can blame them? We adults are anxious too! I've made list of things we do within the families of the Sparkle Team to help make a difference — so I'm offering real-life suggestions here.

Teaching Conservation and Sustainability to Your Kids - Tips and Resources
This post is meant to help you empower yourself with information, by giving you tips and resources to better understand what is going on with the planet and how to help your children understand what's going on in a way that isn't scary or intimidating but empowers them to learn more and help the planet.

What Sparkle Mamas Want for Mother's Day
We recently asked our Sparkle Team and our Sparklers on social media this question: If you could do anything for Mother's Day, what would you do? We got some really fun answers. We hope they inspire your own real Mother's Day celebrations!

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "Weathering the Storm"
Our Dry Gables friends show us how to live in community with compassion, gratitude, and love.

77 Things to Do Instead of Screens
When kids are away from screens, that means they are free to explore nature, cultivate social connections and foster creativity — explore this list of 55 things to do instead of screens.

Put Down That iPad! How We Get Our Kids Offline
Screens! Screens! Screens! It’s a daily (if not hourly) question when you have children, isn’t it? The Sparkle Team shares their own experiences on answering it!

Favorite Parenting Tool: Growth Mindset
Even my very first, very basic exposure to the ideas within Growth Mindset immediately changed the way I talked to my kids, as well as the way I thought about myself and others. It’s changed the culture of our house, particularly around learning and education.

For the Love of American Tall Tales
Tall Tales are our mythology— our heroes and demi-gods and bigger-than-life symbols of the American “folk soul.” Though there are few classic “tall tales” in our library of Sparkle Stories, their themes can be found throughout. Explore them here!

All About Fairies
What is a fairy really? Read all about air fairies, water fairies, earth fairies, and fire fairies as we review all the classic types and the natural elements they represent.

Where is the Mr. Rogers of 2018?
What would Mr. Rogers think of children’s entertainment today? As a man who built a culture out of children’s television, how would he feel about today’s shows? Would he compare the children’s television and entertainment of today with that of his time and conclude, as many of us have, that less TV and screen time might be a good idea?

How To Be Super Mini-Camp for Parents
This is a replay of a live How To Be Super Training — just for parents — done by David Sewell McCann.

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "For the People"
In this post, we are focusing on the story “For the People.” Below you will see how the three main characters illustrate three unique ways to live in community.

Get Inspired to EXPLORE this Summer
Exploring can start in your very own yard and neighborhood! Below you'll find a series of suggestions and projects to inspire your family to put on their explorer packs and get out the door.

Screen-Free Week Ideas
Screens are part of our world now, but that doesn't mean it has to be our whole world.

FIFTY Study Page: Guam- "The Radioman"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of the people of Guam from Chamorro to Spanish to American.

FIFTY Study Page: Puerto Rico- "Hoy Vieques"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of Vieques and Puerto Rico.

FIFTY Study Page: Washington, D.C. "The Dress"
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the History of the United States capitals. We also cover the history of the White House construction, burning, and rebuilding, as well as the biography of Dolley and James Madison.

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - “This is Our Moment”
The stories in this collection, Dry Gables: Good Neighbors, give us insights into how we resolve conflict and strive to get our needs met — and what we do when they are not met.

Storybox Playlist: When Kids Clash - Stories and Suggestions for Conflict Resolution
Conflict exists everywhere — even within households. Since this is natural and normal, the question is not about how to avoid clashes, but how to address conflicts with integrity. Here are some stories that use tactics and hold context for authentic conflict resolution.