Sparkle Crafts
Unleash your creativity and dive into the world of crafting with Sparkle Crafts. From DIY projects to artistic endeavors, this category is your go-to destination for all things crafty and creative.

Sparkle Craft: Recycled Bird Feeder
Inspired by Lady Jovial's love of birds, this week's craft project—a recycled bird feeder—attempts to capture a bit of her lovely, old-fashioned sensibilities, too.

Beeswax Travel Candles: Kid-friendly Craft
These fun beeswax travel candles are lovely to keep as treats for yourself, but they also make a pretty, little gift.

Sparkle Craft: Homemade Kid's Shampoo
Not only does it get the kids' hair squeaky clean, because castile soap rinses out so quickly, the rinsing step — which always seems to be the most tortuous part of hair washing—lasts all of three seconds, even on days when the kids have played hard or are extra grubby.

Sparkle Craft: The Willowbee Cowl
This cowl is based on a classic stitch pattern called “Chinese Waves”. When knitted up in a lovely spring green — the stitches look a bit like the leaves of a willow tree, blowing in a brisk breeze.

DIY Tibetan Prayer Flags
This week's craft project comes from the region of the “mountains that hold the sky” — it's a no-sew, backyard version of Tibetan prayer flags.

Make Natural Egg Dye In Minutes
In the Martin & Sylvia story, "Signs of Spring," Sylvia loves to color eggs – she loves to make the dyes, draw designs, and soak white eggs in the colors. Natural dyes are fun and easy to make with just few ingredients you can find right in your kitchen.

Indoor Obstacle Course
If it's rainy and cold where you are, you don't need a gym or special equipment to set up your own obstacle course. With just a few common household items and a little space, you can quickly have your kids off to the races — trying to beat their best times and burning off some of that “stuck inside” energy.

Sparkle Craft: Peace Owl Amulets
These peace owl amulets combine owls and handicrafts — and a bit of light and wisdom, too. Think of them as a little reminder that you can slip in your pocket and rub between your fingers when you're tempted to jump to fighting without considering a more wise or peaceful strategy first.

sparkle craft: mixed media penguins
All you need to pull off these adorable, mixed media “penguin portraits” are markers, drawing paper, glue, and a few things from the trash.

Sparkle Craft: Snow Crystal Flowers
Try this fun, kid-friendly science project to capture some fairy magic! The project below uses a borax and hot water suspension to turn flowers into crystal covered specimens.

Sparkle Craft: Recycled Castle
Not only is this castle fit for gallant deeds and brave adventures, it is also mostly made out of things you would otherwise throw away. Beginning with a box and a few empty cardboard tubes — and adding in some adult help with a box cutting knife — this is a castle King Arthur would be proud of.

Sparkle Crafts: Ice Boats
These ice boats take advantage of children's enchantment with water by using it in two forms — frozen and liquid — and also commemorate Benno's family's trip across the sea.

Sparkle Craft: Sungka
This week's craft comes from the Philippines and will leave plenty of room for individual interpretation — it's a homemade Sungka game.

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 25 The Warden
The Warden is so important to the animals that when he finally returns to the Junkyard, they all want to jump out of hiding and wish him a Merry Christmas — but they can’t. They aren’t supposed to show themselves — it is a rule. But Christmas magic brings a solution that leaves all the animals marveling and feeling deeply grateful.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 25: "Christmas Morning - Advent Memories"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Christmas Morning - Advent Memories," brother and sister lay in bed early Christmas morning and wait until it is time to go downstairs. As they wait, they chat quietly about the 24 days that have led to this morning...

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 24 Winnie
While the Warden is away attending to some sudden business, Mike tells Winnie the Puppy a story about himself and the Warden and then about the Junkyard animals. Winnie is surprised and curious at first, but then simply delights in the story and its warming message.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 24: "Christmas Eve for Animals"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Christmas Eve for Animals," the day before Christmas is a quiet one – all their gifts are prepared and the house is decorated and ready for the special day. But Momma reminds them that there is one group that has yet to be celebrated: the birds and animals in their back yard!

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 23- Mike Steps In
The Junkyard animals are ready for the Warden to discover their hard work. They have everything ready, and on the morning of Christmas Eve, they are excited for the Warden to enjoy his gifts. But right off the bat, things do not go to plan. Luckily one of the Junkyard workers steps in at just the right time.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 23: "A Cleaning Party"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "A Cleaning Party," it is the morning of their annual Advent Spiral Walk Party and brother and sister are excited about everything except one thing: cleaning. But Advent magic has a solution to that!

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 22- Beavers
Merryweather Mole wants to return the things she took and become a part of the Junkyard community — but she can’t! The ground is too frozen. The Junkyard animals all try to break through, but it is too hard. Finally some superheroes arrive and together they are able to save the day.