Sparkle Crafts
Unleash your creativity and dive into the world of crafting with Sparkle Crafts. From DIY projects to artistic endeavors, this category is your go-to destination for all things crafty and creative.
Sparkle Crafts: Felted Acorns
Here’s the deal: felted acorns are really quite easy. As long as your children are old enough to manage a felting needle, then they can form the felted acorn nut. Follow this fun, kid-friendly tutorial to get started!
Sparkle Crafts: Homemade Clay Charms
Let's make clay charms, inspired by the Martin & Sylvia: More Adventures story “The Necklace.”
Sparkle Crafts: Story Starting Cards
At our house, Sparkle Stories are often listened to in marathon sessions on days when my older kid finds herself couch-bound for a period of time due to inclement weather, or perhaps a case of the sniffles.
Sparkle Crafts: Applesauce Labels!
This week’s At Home with Martin and Sylvia tale about making applesauce is a favorite in our house. The story is called "A Kitchen of Canning."
Sparkle Crafts: Mother's Day Trivia Jar!
With Mother’s Day just around the corner, children everywhere are in cahoots with other family members, trying to come up with gift ideas that are sure to inspire enthusiasm in their recipients.