Sparkle Stories Blog

Sparkle Crafts

Unleash your creativity and dive into the world of crafting with Sparkle Crafts. From DIY projects to artistic endeavors, this category is your go-to destination for all things crafty and creative.

Nature School Project: Melting Icicles

We are joined today by Dawn who is shows us how to study the melting of icicles like Martin does in the story.

Mud Pies and Mud Ball Critters

A fun, simple tutorial for making mud pies and mud ball critters, inspired by a Martin & Sylvia adventure in the "Nature School" collection.

Nature School Project: Nature Journals

We are joined today by Mike DiMauro who is a wilderness teacher for Earth Native Wilderness School. He has created a great tutorial for Sparkle showing how to keep your own nature journal just like Martin.

Nature School Project: Raising Kids Who Love Winter

We are joined by Nicoletta of Wilder Child, who is sharing tips on how to raise children who love winter.

Nature School Project: Evergreen Paint Brushes

Making evergreen brushes like Sylvia and Sofia is just as easy as it sounds. You'll want to collect three or four different types of evergreens to make these paint brushes. We used juniper, ponderosa, pinion pine. Take a walk around your neighborhood and see what you can find!

Nature School Project: Ice and Heat Experiment

We are joined by Dawn of Mud Puddles to Meteors who shares with us an ice melting experiment

Nature School Project: Tree Buds

When we see trees with budding branches, it is often spring that comes to mind. But if you look past the showy and colorful leaves of autumn, you may find something surprising waiting among them: trees begin their preparation for their spring showing of buds and blossoms many months ahead of time.

Nature School Project: Tracking

Learning to find tracks is a great way to deepen your connection to nature and hone observation skills. Use this Nature School Project Tutorial to find out how!

Nature School Project: Snow Candles

What better way to celebrate the winter than to make snow candles? All you need is beeswax, some candle wick, popsicle sticks and some snow.

NINE Winter Recipes and Crafts

Winter Solstice is just around the corner. With the cold weather comes an urge to snuggle in and to slow down and reflect on the past seasons. This week we've got a whole round up of winter-inspired recipes and crafts to keep you in a cheery mood and inspired to create.

Nature School Project: Wrappings

Use this nature school project tutorial to learn to make your own nature motif gift wrap paper.

The Martin & Sylvia PRINTABLE Advent Calendar!

Here's a lovely little printable calendar to go with the Martin & Sylvia Audio Advent Calendar!

Nature School Project: Nature Touch Drawing

We are joined by Monique who will show us how to do nature touch drawings. Enjoy this engaging activity to help children improve their observation skills and deepen their understanding of nature.

Nature School Project: Bird Feeders and Squirrel Feeders

You don't have to buy a fancy bird feeder to help out our furry and feathered friends. You can make your own! With a few simple ingredients and 5 minutes you'll have your own bird or squirrel feeder.

Nature School Project: Making a Stick Friend

For this Nature School Project we learn to make stick friends, inspired by the Martin & Sylvia Nature School story, "Out in the Sticks."

Printmaking with Leaves

Fall is here and leaves are everywhere. Martin and Sylvia love playing in the leaves and using them to make all sorts of art projects. All of the fall leaves swirling around in the wind seemed to call to us. It is no wonder there are so many fall leaf-inspired crafts out there. They beg to be used for all manner of creation

Martin & Sylvia's: Saturdays! Printable Project Page: Great Scarecrow Mystery

Here is a fun craft to make a little scarecrow jar that you can fill up and give away! Download the printable project page to get started.

Nature School Project: Rock Stacking

This project accompanies the second story in the Martin & Sylvia: Nature School Audio Book – “The Deer Mice”.

Martin & Sylvia's: Saturdays! Printable Project Page: Sock Puppets

In the Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays! story “Sock Puppets,” Martin and Sylvia’s babysitter Ellie has a great idea for what to do with a bunch of old single socks - sock puppets!

Build Your Own Puppet Theater

The true magic in this project happens after the physical making has been completed. When little ones (or grown-ups) sit behind the stage and spin a tale with the puppets. The magic is in the story.

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