Sparkle Stories Blog

Sparkle Crafts

Unleash your creativity and dive into the world of crafting with Sparkle Crafts. From DIY projects to artistic endeavors, this category is your go-to destination for all things crafty and creative.

NINE Sparkle Recipes and Crafts for the 4th of July

Americans have been celebrating the 4th of July with food, dancing, and fireworks since 1776. This week, in celebration of that day, we bring you some yummy Independence Day-inspired recipes and crafts to bring an extra bit of sparkle to your celebration.

Sparkle Crafts: NINE Sparkle Family Crafts

Here at Sparkle Stories we are honoring and celebrating the beauty of diverse family models. Families come in all shapes and sizes and combinations. And you don't have to be related by blood to be a loving family. This craft round-up is for all families to enjoy together.

NINE Best Sparkle Summer Recipes and Crafts

We've got you covered for summer with great crafts and recipes to keep you exploring.

Nature School Project: Weaving with Nature

The campers of Goose-eye spent all year weaving a connection between the members of their group and eventually between members of other groups. What could be more perfect to represent this connection than a nature weaving?

Sparkle DIY: How to Make Your Own Sundials

This fun project for kids will teach you how to create your own sundial using simple materials. It's inspired by a story from our original audio collection, Martin and Sylvia's Nature School!

Nature School Project: DIY Hamsa Scarecrow

Find directions in this fun nature school project to create a hamsa that you can hang in your garden to ward off pests and protect and bless your space.

Nine Sparkle Recipes and Crafts for Summer Travel

Whether you're planning to hit the road or "staycationing" right at home this summer, we created a round-up of fantastic sparkle recipes and crafts to help get your vacation off to a great start.

Nature School Project: Take a Night Walk

We are joined today by our Nature School contributor Dawn, of Mud Puddles to Meteors, who gives us tips for taking a night walk.

The Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays! Series — Free Printable Project Book!

It is filled with fun things to do — no matter what the season!

Nature School Project: Up-cycled Seed Sprouting

For this post, we are joined by Kelly of Wings, Worms & Wonder, who shows us how to upcycle and study the growth of seeds into sprouts.

Nature School Project: Hidden Earth Art

What is Hidden Earth Art? It's creating something in the natural world that's your own creation, but so subtle someone else might not notice it.

Nature School Project - Hanging Earth Art for Mother's Day

This project was inspired by earth the art Martin's wilderness class made for Mother Earth. Using clay and leaves and flowers, you can create a beautiful piece of art that the mother in your life can hang on the wall inside or outdoors and feel a greater connection to the outside world.

Nature School Project: Flower Crowns

This tutorial is not just about making pretty crowns, but making a crown fit for a leader -- whether that leader is a big sister who helps take care of her siblings, a boy who watches over the frogs and fish in the pond at the park, or even an elderly person who helps children learn to read each week.

Eight Sparkle Inspired Gifts for Mother's Day

We've e got you covered for Mother's Day with EIGHT Sparkle - inspired gift ideas for mom. All of these recipes and crafts are easy to do with children and their grown-ups.

Nature School Project: DIY Rain Gauge

Use a DIY rain gauge to learn about the scientific method, just like Sylvia does in the Martin & Sylvia Nature School story, "Measuring the World".

Nature School Project: Creating a Nature Table

Our media curator KC shows us her family's nature table and shares tips on how to create your own.

Nature School Project: Homemade Bug Repellant

Homemade bug repellant is easy and safe to make. Once you have your ingredients gathered, it takes under two minutes to make.

Nature School Project: Egg Carton Seed Starters

One of the easiest ways to get started gardening is by planting seeds. It's fun and easy to do with children of all ages. Like Sylvia and Sofia, you don't need any fancy materials; you can simply use an egg carton, some seedling soil, and your choice of seeds.

Nature School Project: Identifying Bird Calls

We are joined by Monique of Green Acorns who teaches us how to idenitfy and map bird calls.

Nature School Project: Three Easy Ways to Improve Garden Soil

You may be wondering, how can you improve the soil in your garden? Maybe you don't have enough space to compost compost everything, or access to goat droppings like Mr. Brown. There are other ways you can amend soil to make it healthy and happy.

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