Sparkle Crafts
Unleash your creativity and dive into the world of crafting with Sparkle Crafts. From DIY projects to artistic endeavors, this category is your go-to destination for all things crafty and creative.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 22: "Caroling"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Caroling," Martin is hesitant about caroling, when he learns that they will be going to a senior living home to sing to the residents. But when they arrive, he is surprised and delighted by what he discovers.

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 21- Melody Crow
It is a cold morning when the Junkyard animals realize that all the coins, cards, and gifts they had found and created were missing! Melody the Crow arrives just in time to sing a song that helps them all feel sad, disappointed, and angry at what has happened. And it turns out they aren’t the only ones who can hear her song!

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 21: "The Angel"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "The Angel," Sylvia is feeling envious of her friend Sofia because she is going to play the angel in the Christmas play. Luckily the day’s Advent card has a gentle message for her.

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 20
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 20. Merryweather Mole lives underneath the Junkyard, and she finds all the noise and activity above to be very annoying. When she has finally had enough, she seeks revenge and takes something very precious that belongs to the Junkyard animals.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 20: "The Fairies' Advent"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "The Fairies' Advent," it is a quiet, magical sort of morning for Sylvia and she decides to focus her day on the quietest, most magical folk in her life: the fairies!

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 19: "Busy Day"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Busy Day," today is a busy day for Momma and Daddy, and Martin and Sylvia join them downtown. Brother and sister continue to look for the Advent Card but are surprised by who eventually gives it to them.

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 19 - Mr. Flinch
In this story, Mr. Flinch tells the Junkyard animals a story that he heard when he was a little joey — one that his mother told him every Christmas — and it shows the value of dedication and service to those who need it. Download the printable coloring page here!

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 18 – Lil Mamma
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 18. The following morning, Sergeant tells Lil Mamma that she might return to the old maple tree because there was “something waiting for her.” What could it be, wonders the busy rabbit. Snow? A badger? A broken limb? But what she discovers surprises and delights her.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 18: "Silly Chickens"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Silly Chickens", it is a very silly day filled with jokes and funny stories. But nothing is as surprising and silly as what they discover later in the chicken coop!

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 17 – Squirrel Circus
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 17. The second big storm comes to the Junkyard and this time, it brings with it some unexpected guests: The Squirrel Circus! This thrills the Junkyard animals — that is, everyone except the steadfast watchdog who worries that the loud and enthusiastic squirrels will bring too much attention.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 17: "Good Ol'Dog"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Good Ol'Dog," Brother and sister want to make Christmas gifts for their pets Pickles and Billbill. It is easy to think of a good gift for their kitty, but what do you give a good ol’ dog?

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 16 – Inventor Mouse
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 16. When Sally announces that the children would like a full train set as well as a game table called “Foolsball,” the little mouse Newberry steps forward with a plan for how to build them both.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 16: "Forest Treasures"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Forest Treasures," Sylvia has a hard time finding acorn caps that she needs for Momma’s gift. Then brother and sister are invited on an Advent Nature Scavenger hunt where they find all sorts of treasures – including acorn caps!

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 15 – Sally
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 15. Sally comes up with a plan to spy on the Warden’s children and discover what they would like for Christmas. But the best laid plans always have challenges — and Sally needs to change her plan very quickly so that she can accomplish her task without being discovered!

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 15: "A Little Singing and A Lot of Love"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "A Little Singing and A Lot of Love," brother and sister hear Momma coughing on the morning of the Hallelujah Sing Along, they decide to take good care of her for the entire day.

Sparkle Craft: Solstice Sun Tree Topper
Throughout history people who have celebrated Solstice by decorating trees with oranges and candles to invite the sun to return and warm the earth. This Solstice Sun Tree Topper craft is a perfect way to spend time with some sunshine even on the cloudiest days.

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 14 – Cats
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 14. The neighborhood cats are thrilled to help Ben find some Christmas presents for the Warden’s children. The only thing is — fun for cats is different from fun for children.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 14: "Downtown"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Downtown," Martin, Sylvia, Momma and Daddy go downtown to look at the holiday window displays, and are delighted to find something… well, surprising in one of them.

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 13 - Cowboy
The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Day 13. It seems Mitzie Niegel has told a number of animals in town about the Junkyard’s challenge. When Ben’s old friend Cowboy comes to help out, he learns that the Junkyard is important to many more animals than he had thought!

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 13: "Woodshed Theater"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Woodshed Theater," today’s Advent Card provides costumes and an idea that transforms into a Woodshed Theater production called “The King and The Beggar Have Christmas,” featuring Martin and Sylvia!