Sparkle Schoolhouse
Sparkle Weekly Wonderings: True Colors

Sparkle Weekly Wonderings: True Colors

I love science. In school, I tended to lean toward history and language arts, but now that I am a full-time storyteller, it is science that regularly inspires me. When I am able to understand an animal biologically, or a plant developmentally, or a star mathematically, I feel like I am reading the ultimate master story — the story that connects and is fundamental to all stories.

Some time ago I learned that the reason maple and oak tree leaves “change color” in the autumn was because trees stop making green chlorophyll, and this allows the leaves’ true pigments — the red, yellow, and orange — to be seen.

In other words, the life-giving, nutrient-dense chlorophyll overwhelms the leaf with green and masks the other colors. But when that green disappears, we are treated to an authentically vibrant display of colors.

This dynamic lives in us as well. Can’t you feel your own “true colors” during this magical time of year — the desire to be more authentic about what you want and how you feel? This time in between the free and fun-loving summer and holiday merriment reveals itself in October and November. These are the sober months. The grounding months. The months where we take inventory of what we have and what we need before the coming winter.

I love this time of year. I love the beauty. I love the mystery. And I do love the truth.

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